
To provide a mentored educational experience to every student by establishing a department with excellence in teaching and academic research at local and regional levels in the area of computer science and develop the qualified technologist for the market.


To qualify specialized and excellent workforce in the field of computer science, to contribute to community service through a variety of programs, to carry out research addressing real life problems, and to offer consultancy and training services in first-class pedagogical environment and acquiring raw talent from under privileged sections of society and refining them into national assets.

Goals And Objectives

Department of Computer Science realizes its mission statement by clearly defining its goals and objectives which are in accordance with the vision of university which are as follows:

  • The department will provide high quality undergraduate and graduate education in computer science by enhancing teaching effectiveness, refining curriculum to keep the program current with the rapidly changing computer technology and providing equipment/facilities for students to access and gain practical experience.
  • The department will provide effective academic advising to promote student learning and development outcomes and achievement of educational goals.
  • The faculty will remain current in the discipline through professional development and scholarly activity and increase opportunities for and number of collaborative faculty/student research projects.
  • The department will serve the community through the practice of professional activities and service in the computing field.
  • Programs Offering

    Each academic program under this department has its own specific objectives. The programs offered by the faculty are as follows: