Department of Software Engineering


To provide a mentored educational experience to every student by establishing a department with excellence in teaching and academic research at local and regional levels in the area of the software engineering and development and to develop qualified professionals for the market.


The Software engineering department is committed to provide within the standards set by HEC and ILMA:

a. By providing graduate and undergraduate level software engineering education that organizes students for existing industry, academics, research and development works, public and military services.
b. By providing chance for faculty and students to involve themselves and put in to developments in the field of engineering in general and software engineering in particular.
c. By conducting specialized courses for development of professional engineers.

Goals And Objectives

Department of Software engineering realizes its mission statement by clearly defining its goals and objectives which are in accordance with the vision of university which are as follows:
  • Development of research culture at the department and creation of conducive environment suitable for research based studies.
  • To produce socially responsible and creative entrepreneurs capable of promoting industry for the socio-economic and technological advancement in Pakistan.
  • To provide education in all social classes regardless of their financial condition and promoting meritocracy.
  • Programs Offering

    Each academic program under this department has its own specific objectives. The programs offered by the faculty are as follows: