ILMA Startup Commercialization Reward (ISCR)

ILMA University takes the supportive initiative to bestow the Ilma Startup Commercialization Rewards on all those burgeoning entrepreneurs who are ready to or have made a difference with their business ventures. These widely acclaimed rewards signify a strong stance on taking the steps forward to do something worthwhile. ...

The University gives you this first-ever opportunity to be recognized for your small, medium or large-sized commercial startups. Whatever the field and whichever the target market, all that matters is your idea and potential to establish it backed up by your relentless push.

If you are a risk-taker who has introduced and established a commercial start-up so you highly deserve the ILMA Startup Commercialization Reward upto $1000. Now, is the right time to reap your returns of investment and increase your outreach even more.

*Terms & conditions apply Incentives are subject to approval by the BASR and can not be claimed as a right